Thanks to IAM Local 2003 member and Guide Dog of America (GDA) volunteer Adam Beasley, Alabama now has a law specifically protecting service dogs from assault for the first time in the state’s history.

The bill makes it a crime for anyone to harass, injure or cause the death of a service dog. Harassment would be any conduct directed toward a service dog or handler that is likely to impede or interfere with the performance of the service dog including taunting, teasing or striking.

Beasley, an aircraft mechanic at Fort Rucker Army Base, has volunteered with GDA for the past 15 years. He approached state Sen. Jimmy Holley to ask if he would be interested in sponsoring a bill to protect service dogs.

Once Holley was on board, Beasley spent nearly a year researching other states’ service dog laws to make sure Alabama would have one of the best.

“I would like to thank Sen. Holley and his staff for all their work with this bill ” said Beasley. “This is a giant step for the service dog community in the state of Alabama, and I’m proud to be a part of it.”

If your state doesn’t have a service dog protection law in place and you would like some help, please contact Adam Beasley at

Guide Dogs of America was founded by a blind IAM member and provides guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to those who are blind and visually impaired.

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